Supercharge your planning cycles

Scope projects, allocate resources, identify planning gaps and understand risks — in seconds.

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Scope projects in seconds, not days.
With better accuracy.

Ditch drawn-out estimations based on guesswork. Our assistant analyzes your historical data to automatically scope work with unprecedented speed and precision.

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Data-driven Forecasting.
Analyze historical data and provide accurate forecasts for project timelines, resource utilization, and capacity planning.
Eliminate Redundancy.
Don't reinvent the wheel. Identify similar issues and projects, both ongoing and resolved. Get instant insights on past solutions and potential roadblocks.

Learn From Experience

Automate Retrospectives

Say goodbye to endless meetings and subjective reports. Our AI assistant delivers streamlined, data-backed retrospectives. Reclaim valuable engineering time and unlock continuous improvement.

Insights at a Glance.
Analyze your project data and gain insight into the performance of your team, and you identify areas for improvement.
Identify Planning Gaps.
Reveal patterns your team might miss, and automatically include these learnings in future planning.
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Mitigate Risks

Automate Risk Analysis

Our assistant pinpoints potential delays in your engineering projects, analyzing in-flight features to flag vulnerabilities early. Make proactive, data-driven adjustments for on-time delivery.

Keep an Eye on Project Health.
Keep your finger on the pulse of your project's health and identify potential risks before they become problems.
Hear About Delays Early.
Get notified of potential delays early, when you still have the time to do something about it.
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Seamless Connectivity

Integrate With Your Favorite Tools

Experience seamless integration with a wide range of popular third-party tools and platforms, allowing you to effortlessly connect and synchronize your plans across different systems.

Up and Running In Minutes.
No long setup. Connect with your favorite tools in minutes.
Import Historical Data.
Enrich your assistant with access to your historical execution data.
Meets You Where You Are.
Use your assistant directly from your favorite tools and platforms, such as Atlassian Jira and Slack.
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The right price for teams of any size

Choose a plan that best fits your team's size and needs.


$10 /user/month

A basic plan for smaller teams.

  • Up to 50 users
  • Find similar issues
  • Summarize issue content and comments
Get Started Today


$25 /user/month

More advanced features and security for larger teams.

  • Up to 500 users
  • Find similar issues
  • Summarize issue content and comments
  • Automated project estimates
  • Automated project retrospectives
  • Advanced security
Get Started Today

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We're currently in closed beta. Sign up to get early access.

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Data-driven Forecasting
Use AI to accurately predict resource allocation.
Automated Retrospectives
Generate project retrospectives to identify key factors behind successes and failures.
Risk Mitigation
Create comprehensive risk analyses to anticipate and address potential challenges.
Popular Integrations
Use our assistant directly in your tool of choice. Plan Engine meets you where you are.